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Very well stated! I have always found it funny that marketers have expressed their frustration in trying to find a hook that will appeal to Gen Xers. As ferels we have always made our own rules and wouldn't fall prey to to being led down a man-schemed path. The powers that be, our parents, boomers, have refused to step aside and lets us step into our rightful place in the world because they know we are wildcards that we will not be used to further their agendas. We will not yeid to their ‘hooks in our jaws.’ We want only to heal our nation of the seeds sown in error and opposition to our Creator. Our desire to restore our land to its initial intention of liberty and freedom for its citizenry scares the powers that be and has branded us terrorists and traitors for our subversive thoughts. The greatest contradiction: our hope to turn from our ways and seek righteous paths, so our nation would be healed of the chaos, makes us a threat to the system and its coordinators. As Gen Xers we can handle these dismissive and critical designations, as we have for decades, in stride. We strive for the greater good for ALL Americans. It is time for our elders to step aside so we can fix what they have done….

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